
Camera Rigs- What, Why and when

You finally brought your dream video setup. It shoots 4k over sampled, has IBIS, log profiles and lets you attach all the bells and whistles that you want. You start learning from seasoned videographers but you see them using a really cool rig and wonder if you need one too. Sounds familiar? We get it. Rigs offer protection and let you use tools that provide better output. However, there's no denying that they're expensive and often not a necessary investment for everyone. Read this blog to know what camera rigs are all about and whether they will be a fruitful investment for your setup.  About camera rigs Camera rigs are an external framework designed to enhance the functionality and stability of your filming equipment. They provide a sturdy, supportive structure for your camera, be it DSLR or mirrorless, or even a smartphone. This improved stability gives a more smoother footage, especially crucial when shooting handheld or in motion.  Rigs come in various configu

Body vs Lens- What to invest in for the best performance in 2024.

No doubt, choosing to invest between quality camera bodies or lenses is a decision that troubles newbies and seasoned professionals alike. Both can prove to be an expensive choice and every camera user- be it photographers or videographers want setups that perform without breaking the bank. You might not believe this but the answer to this question is simple and really depends on what you're seeking to do with the setup. Read this blog to understand the unique roles that both play and when you should choose to invest in either or both. Why camera bodies matter Picking a camera body is like choosing a brain for your photography journey. Just like a brain, the body houses a crucial component - the image sensor which significantly impacts output quality. Bigger sensors capture more light and detail, giving a more sharper output, especially in low light. The body also controls essential functions like shutter speed and aperture.Higher-end bodies typically use faster autofoc

New v.s. Used gear-: What and why to pick in 2024

New v.s. Used gear-: What and why to pick in 2024 Photography, as a hobby or a profession, is extremely rewarding in various ways, but let's face it, those new camera bodies and lenses can disturb your finances significantly. With brands in a constant battle to capture the market through providing the best quality and features, the prices just don't seem to budge. However, there is a more affordable solution to this problem- buying used gear. Although it does raise concerns about quality and durability and often scares off first timers and even seasoned professionals, is it really that bad? In this blog, we'll be learning about these options in detail so that you can figure out what suits you best and kickstart your journey ASAP!  The used camera gear market  The increasing preference of the pre-owned camera setup market in India, particularly with a reported 70% of camera users opting for second-hand setups according to a 2023 Equiperz survey, has several facto